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Holistic Massage
Do you recognise these problems?
- Stress and/or anxiety
- Overactive mind
- Muscle pain
- Stiffness
- Tension
- Poor circulation
”I would certainly recommend using Tri-essence Therapies. The holistic massage has been fantastic for my lower back pain as well as helping me relax and cope with the stresses of being a working mum!”
Holistic massage is all about relaxation.
Using traditional Swedish massage with deep tissue techniques, this treatment is great for reducing tension in the body but also calming a busy mind.
This style of massage is perfect for combating the effects of stress.
Treatment times are 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 60 minutes.
A full consultation will be taken at the first appointment. You will be asked about your current and past medical/health status but all information is held in strict confidence and is GDPR compliant.
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